Get rolling with an iRover2 Cart

Jessica Meacham

Here's an off-the-wall idea: Put your flat panel on a cart and get rolling!


Is your school purchasing flat panels? What school isn’t! Government funding programs have helped many schools get this useful and flexible technology into more classrooms, but did you know that many schools are considering a cart instead of a wall mount option?

Wall-mounted flat panels have long been a go-to solution but with remote teaching, flexible classroom design and other factors, cart options have gained popularity.

iRover2 Cart for 30-55" Flat panels shown

“My SMARTboard is no longer tethered to the wall — and I love that it is mobile!”

Jessica Meacham, Elementary STEAM Teacher, Southern Door County School District, WI

There are plenty of benefits to having a mobile flat panel:


 Stretch your budget

Save budget for other things by putting your flat panel on a cart—it can be shared throughout a school easily.

iRover2 Premium model shown

Making technology mobile matters

 Teachers have told us they rearrange their classrooms a lot! A flat panel cart makes it possible to relocate to anywhere in the school.

Supports small group work 

Small group work is possible because a cart can be moved to a corner of a library or common area.

iRover2 Flat Panel Easel shown