Flat Panel Wall Mounts

Pricing in USD
Height Adjustable Wall Mount with frame cover

Height Adjustable Wall Mount with Frame Cover

$1,000.00 USD Made in Canada
This height-adjustable wall-mounted flat panel is important for the classroom because it not only saves valuable classroom floor space but can also accommodate students with different physical abilities and needs. Its easy-to-use electric lift allows the flat panel height to be adjusted with a 17” range to accommodate students from different grade levels as classrooms change. Cords and support legs are concealed with a frame cover. There is a built-in clearance for mounting over marker ledges on whiteboards. This flexibility is also ideal in media and library spaces where many students participate in activities. 
An optional Sound bar mount is also available to enhance and better project the audio.
This model is specifically for masonry walls. A separate stud mounting kit is required for wood stud walls (HAWM2-SMK). Both mounting models have floor supports.
Conversion Kit for Height Adjustable Wall Mount with frame cover

Conversion Kit for Height Adjustable Wall Mount with Frame Cover

$380.00 USD Made in Canada

Educators can get more out of their initial iRover2 investment while reducing waste. Those schools with an existing iRover2 Cart for Interactive Flat Panels (IFP500) whose needs have changed can now mount their interactive flat panel onto a wood stud or masonry wall with this complete, easy-to-use conversion kit that re-uses parts from their iRover2 cart while keeping its height-adjustable function. Cords and support legs are concealed with a frame cover.

This conversion kit costs less than a brand-new height-adjustable wall mount. Educators can also use this design example to teach students a lesson about circular economies and their impact on the environment. By reusing parts of the iRover2 Cart for Interactive Flat Panels (IFP500), you are extending your products’ lifecycle instead of sending them to a landfill – a valuable lesson for future stewards of the environment. 

Webcams can be attached to the flat panel with our optional WebCam Mount to record and broadcast lessons to students learning remotely. An optional Sound bar mount is also available to enhance and better project the audio.

Height Adjustable Wall Mount

Height Adjustable Wall Mount

$880.00 USD Made in Canada

This height-adjustable wall-mounted flat panel is important for the classroom because it not only saves valuable classroom floor space but can also accommodate students with different physical abilities and needs. Its easy-to-use electric lift allows the flat panel height to be adjusted with a 17” range to accommodate students from different grade levels as classrooms change. There is a built-in clearance for mounting over marker ledges on whiteboards. This flexibility is also ideal in media and library spaces where many students participate in activities. 

An optional Sound bar mount is also available to enhance and better project the audio.

This model is specifically for masonry walls. A separate stud mounting kit is required for wood stud walls (HAWM2-SMK). Both mounting models have floor supports.

Conversion Kit for Height Adjustable Wall Mount (front view)

Conversion Kit for Height Adjustable Wall Mount

$260.00 USD Made in Canada

Educators can get more out of their initial iRover2 investment while reducing waste. Those schools with an existing iRover2 Cart for Interactive Flat Panels (IFP500) whose needs have changed can now mount their interactive flat panel onto a wood stud or masonry wall with this complete, easy-to-use conversion kit that re-uses parts from their iRover2 cart while keeping its height-adjustable function. 

This conversion kit costs less than a brand-new height-adjustable wall mount. Educators can also use this design example to teach students a lesson about circular economies and their impact on the environment. By reusing parts of the iRover2 Cart for Interactive Flat Panels (IFP500), you are extending your products’ lifecycle instead of sending them to a landfill – a valuable lesson for future stewards of the environment. 

An optional Sound bar mount is also available to enhance and better project the audio.

Stud Mounting Kit for Height Adjustable Wall Mount

Stud Mounting Kit for Height Adjustable Wall Mount

$115.00 USD Made in Canada

These steel brackets, specifically made for our Height Adjustable Wall Mount (HAWM2) facilitate mounting to wood stud walls. Their wide slot pattern makes it easy to attach directly to studs and position the wall mount where needed. Schools that have the Height Adjustable Wall Mount (HAWM2) or model with Frame Cover (HAWM3) from Copernicus can easily and securely affix it with the heavy-duty steel brackets included in this kit. Set of two steel brackets.

Please note that this is only for wood stud installations: steel stud installations are not approved. If you are mounting on a masonry wall, this kit is not necessary. 

Sound Bar Mount for iRover2

Sound Bar Mount for iRover2

$86.00 USD

Although speakers on a flat panel provide audio, adding a sound bar to the cart can enhance the audio quality of lessons and video content, particularly in larger settings or when students are physically distanced.

This Sound Bar Mount accessory is for iRover2® Carts and Wall Mounts with 86" or smaller flatpanels.

Please note: This cannot be installed on older iRover2 models. Please see our Spec Sheet or Compatibility Sheet for details. For flat panels 84” and larger you may only be able to mount the sound bar above or below, but not in both positions. This is due to the VESA holes being located off center on the back of some flat panels.


Webcam Mount

Webcam Mount for iRover2

$61.00 $15.25 USD


Due to remote and hybrid teaching, educators are using webcams for their lessons more than ever before. This Webcam Mount can be installed on any of our iRover2® Cart and Wall Mount models. This handy mount supports most common webcam models and PTZ cameras. Also available is our Sound Bar Mount