Recycling Products

Contact us for free parts; our lifetime warranty covers just about everything!


Can someone else use this, or could a shop or STEM class use some parts?


Take Back
We take back your Copernicus product and dispose of it for you.



Not every component used in our products is recyclable. We're working to streamline the materials we use with circularity in mind. In addition, we are reviewing our components' materials to make improvements to those that are not recyclable. 

When a material is not recyclable, such as our casters, it's because they are made of multiple materials and difficult to take apart. Our approach to updating components like this is by opting for less harmful materials with lower emission factors (that can still stand up to our extreme product testing). So, for example, we are testing casters made from Nylon 11, which is made from caster bean oil, instead of fossil fuels!

Recycling facilities vary depending on where you live. Although this is not an exhaustive list, we hope this helps point you in the right direction. Also, please let us know if you have a pathway in your neighborhood for us to include in our listing.

US State Listing  I  Canadian Province Listing

Recycling tips:

  • Take the product apart 
  • Although not all the pieces and parts will be recyclable, the more you can separate the materials, the better
  • Use our assembly instructions in reverse to take apart your Copernicus product

Class activity: 
Disassembling a piece of classroom equipment can be an enjoyable hands-on activity that introduces students to essential tools and best practices for recycling.

Recycling plastics:
Look for symbols on the part that indicate the type of plastic, then sort according to your community's recycling program. Sorting machines rely on these symbols to stream materials accurately. If you don't see a mark on a plastic part, assume it's not recyclable.

Please note: We are implementing symbols on new parts going forward, so it’s possible you may not see a symbol on our plastic component. Please contact us for guidance before throwing it away.

recent study revealed that only 7% of the 276 million metric tonnes of plastic being produced annually is recycled. Thank you for doing your part to recycle as much plastic as possible!

More recycling guidance.

Recycling metal:
Be sure to disassemble any components that are attached to the metal pieces, like plastic chart hooks, or whiteboards.

Teacher resources and activities:

Recycling Resources for the United States

Recycling Resources for Canada

Alberta New Brunswick Novia Scotia PEI Yukon
British Columbia Newfoundland Nunavut Quebec  
Manitoba Northwest Territories Ontario Saskatchewan